Narration शब्द का शाब्दिक अर्थ ' कथन ' होता है | इस शब्द का निर्माण Narrate शब्द से हुआ है । Narrate शब्द का शाब्दिक अर्थ to say / to state ( कहना ) होता है | Narration का समानार्थक शब्द - assertion / statement / declaration etc . होता है ।
1 . Direct Speech : जब कोई Audience किसी speaker के statement को speaker के शब्दों या भाषा में express करता है , तो वह Direct Speech कहलाता है ।
इस speech में speaker के statement को Inverted commas ( " ") के भीतर रखा जाता है । जैसे -
1 . Sweta said , " I am busy " .
2 : Veena said to me , " I love you very much . "
दिये गए उदाहरण में Sweta और Veena का statement क्रमशः " I am busy " , " I love you very much " हैं , जो Inverted commas (" " ) से घिरे हुए हैं । अतः दिये गए वाक्य Direct speech में हैं ।
2 . Indirect speech : जब कोई Audience किसी speaker के statement को अपने शब्दों या भाषा में express करता है , तो वह Indirect speech कहलाता है ।
इस speech में inverted commas ( " " ) को हटा दिया जाता है । जैसे -
1 . Sweta said that she was busy .
2 . Veena told me that she loved me very much .
दिये गए उदाहरण में Sweta और Veena के statement को Inverted commas ( " " ) के भीतर में नहीं रखा गया है , श्रोता के नाते हमने Sweta और Veena के statement को अपने शब्दों या भाषा में अभिव्यक्त किया है , जो Indirect speech में हैं ।
Direct speech के दो भाग होते हैं । जैसे -
He said , " I am hungry . "
Reporting speech OR Reported speech
1 . Reporting speech : Direct speech का वह भाग जो Inverted commas ( " . . . " ) के बाहर रहता है , Reporting speech कहलाता है । Reporting speech में प्रयुक्त verb को Reporting verb कहते हैं तथा प्रयुक्त subject और object को क्रमशः Reporter , the object of Reporting verb कहा जाता है । जैसे -
Mohan said to Sohan , " I help you . "
Reporter को दूसरे शब्दों में The subject of Reporting verb कहा जाता है ।
2 . Reported speech : Direct speech का वह भाग जो Inverted commas ( " " ) के भीतर रहता है , Reported speech कहलाता है ।
Reported speech के verb को Verb of the Reported speech कहते हैं ।
विशेष बाते : Reporting verb का प्रयोग sentence के प्रारंभ में , बीच में या अंत में हो सकता है । जैसे -
He said , " I write a letter " . ( R . V . sentence के प्रारंभ में )
" Let us go for a walk , " He said . ( R . V . sentence के अंत में ) "
Mohan is always ready to help you " , she said to me , " Because you are my neighbour " . ' ( R . V . sentence के बीच में ) ।
अंग्रेजी में Direct speech से Indirect speech में बदलने के मुख्यतः दो नियम हैं ।
1 . General rules ( साधारण नियम ) :
ऐसे rules ( नियम ) जो सभी तरह के वाक्यों में लागू होते हैं general rules कहलाते हैं |
General rules को तीन भागों में बाँटा जा सकता है
1 . Change of persons
2 . Change of tenses
3 . Change of other parts of speech
1 . Change of Persons
Direct speech से Indirect speech में बदलते समय Inverted commas ( " " ) के भीतर जितने भी Persons ( first , second and third person ) रहते हैं , वे SON के क्रमानुसार बदल जाते हैं ।
उपरोक्त सूत्र को SON - formula भी कहा जाता है ।
ध्यान दें :
S = Reporting verb का subject 1 = first person
O = Reporting verb का object 2 = second person
N = No change 3 = third person
Rule ( 1 ) : यदि Reported speech का subject first person ( I / we ) का हो , तो वह Reporting verb के subject के number , person तथा case के मुताबिक बदल जाता है । जैसे -
He said to me , " I am ready . " . Direct
He told me that he was ready . Indirect
Rule ( 2 ) : यदि Reported speech का subject second person ( you ) का हो , तो वह Reporting verb के object के Number person तथा case के मुताविक बदल जाता है । जैसे-
He said to me , " You are late . " Direct
He told me that I was late . Indirect
Note : ( 1 ) यदि Reported speech का subject second person का हो तथा Reporting verb का object नहीं दिया हुआ हो , तो Reported speech के second person के subject को Indirect speech में first or third person के subject में अर्थानुसार बदल दिया जाता है , ताकि Direct speech का अर्थ Indirect speech में सुस्पष्ट हो जाय । जैसे
Sweta said , " you teach my sister . " Direct
Sweta said that i / he taught her sister , Indirect
इस case में Indirect speech में Reporting verb के बाद first or third person में से किसी object का प्रयोग स्वेच्छानुसार कर सकते है . जिस person में आप second person के subject को बदलना चाहते हैं ।
Sweta told him that he taught her sister . - Indirect
Sweta told me that taught her sister. - Indirect
( 2 ) यदि Reported speech का subject second person का हो , Reporting verb का object नहीं दिया हुआ हो , तथा Reporting verb का subject first person का हो तो Reported speech के second person के subject को Indirect speech में Third person के Subject पूर्ण में बदलना चाहिए । जैसे
I said , " You are laborious " . Direct
I told him that he was laborious . - Indirect
I told her that she was laborious . Indirect
Rule ( 3 ): यदि Reported speech का subject third person का हो , तो Indirect speech में इसमें कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है । जैसे
You said , " She wrotea letter . " Direct
You said that she had written a letter . Indirect
You said to me, " She is a beautiful girl . Direct
You told me that she was a beautiful girl . Indirect
उपरोक्त वाक्यों में Reported speech के subject के रूप में third person , subject - she का प्रयोग किया गया है , जो Indirect speech में नहीं बदला है , अर्थात् ज्यों का त्यों है ।
ध्यान दें : यदि Reported speech में subject के रूप में we का प्रयोग मानव जाति के लिए हो , तो इस we को Indirect speech में नहीं बदला जाता है । दूसरे शब्दों में यों समझें कि universal truth में we का प्रयोग हो , तो इस we को Indirect speech में नहीं बदला जाता है । जैसे
They said , " We can not live without water . " Direct
They said that we can not live without water . Indirect
He said to me . “ We are mortal " . Direct
He told me that we are mortal . Indirect
They said , " We are social animals . " Direct
They said that we are social animals . Indirect
Rule ( 4 ) : यदि कोई मैगजीन ( magazine ) , समाचार पत्र ( newspaper ) आदि के सम्पादक ( editor ) अपने लिए we , us or our का प्रयोग करें तो इसे Indirect speech में it , it or its में case के मुताविक बदल दिया जाता है । जैसे
The Times of India says , “ Our office will remain closed on Monday next . Direct
The Times of India says that its office will remain closed on Monday next . Indirect
The Hindustan says , " We shall issue a cartoon section in our saturday's paper . " Direct
The Hindustan says that it will issuea cartoon section in its saturday's paper . Indirect
The NewyorkTimes says , " We are trying our best tokeep you well informed . " Direct
The Newyork Times says that it is trying its best to keep us well informed . Indirect
Rule ( 5 ) : Persons में परिवर्तन करते वक्त Number तथा case में परिवर्तन नहीं होता है । इस उलझन में फंसने से ज्यादा बेहतर है कि आप अग्रलिखित fable को स्मरण में रखें ।
Binay says to me , " I am your friend . " Direct
Binay tells me that he is my friend . Indirect
My brother says to me , " I love you . " Direct
My brother tells me that he loves me . Indirect
He said to me , " I help you . " Direct
He told me that he helped me . Indirect
2 . Change of Tenses
Rule ( 1 ) : यदि Reporting Verb Present या Future Tense में हो , तो Indirect speech में Reported speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है , अर्थात् जिस Tense में Reported speech रहता है , उसी Tense का प्रयोग ज्यों का त्यों Indirect speech में होता है । जैसे -
[11/05, 7:33 AM] Prem Kumar: 2 . Change of Tenses
Rule ( 1 ) : यदि Reporting Verb Present या Future Tense में हो , तो Indirect speech में Reported speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है , अर्थात् जिस Tense में Reported speech रहता है , उसी Tense का प्रयोग ज्यों का त्यों Indirect speech में होता है । जैसे-
Mohan says , " I shall go there . " Direct
Present Tense Future Tense
Mohan says that he will go there . Indirect
Present Tense Future
Rekha says , “ I went " . Direct
Present Tense Past Tense
Rekha says that she went .
Present Tense Pasf Tense Indirect He will say to me , " lam vour neighbour " . " Future Tense Present Tense He will tell me that he is my neighbour . Indirect Future Tense Present Tense ' She will say to me . " Tam ready to help you " . Direct Future Tense Present Tense She will tell me that she is ready to help me . Indirect Future Tense Present Tense Mukesh says to Binay , " Ishall help you if you help me . Present Tense Future Tense D irect Mukesh tells Binay that he will help him if he helps him . Present Tense Future Tense Indirect Rule ( 2 ) : यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense में हो तथा Reported speech Present Tense में हो , तो Indirect speech में Reported speech का Tense इस प्रकार बदल दिया जाता है । ( a ) Reported speech , Simple Present Tense में हो , तो वह Indirect speech में Simple Past Tense में बदल दिया जाता है । जैसे He said to me , Twrite a letter . " Direct He told me that he wrote a letter . Indirect ( b ) Reported speech Present Continuous Tense में हो तो वह Indirect speech में Past Continuous Tense में बदल दिया जाता । है । जैसे He said to Sneha , " Tam doing my work . " Directi He told Sneha that he was doing his work . Indirect ( c ) Reported speech Present Perfect Tense में हो , तो वह Indirect speech में Past Perfect Tense में बदल दिया जाता है । जैसे He said to me , " They have never helped me . " He told me that they had never helped him . Indirect Direct | ( d ) Reported speech Present Perfect Continuous Tense में हो , तो वह Indirect speech में Past Perfect Continuous Tense में बदल दिया जाता है । जैसे iclosed Direct nclosed Indirect ction in Direct ction in Indirect tokeep Direct to keep Indirect T case में अग्रलिखित case ssessive onouns ne irs Aiit said to her , Thave been teaching your lover for years . Direct Ajit told her that he had been teaching her lover for years . Indirect Rule ( 3 ) : यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense में हो तथा Reported speech Future Tense में हो , तो वह Indirect snnelhi
Ajit said toher , " Thave been teaching your lover for years . " Direct Ajit told her that he had been teaching her lover for years . Indirect Rule ( 3 ) : यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense में हो तथा Reported speech Future Tense में हो , तो वह Indirect speech में इस प्रकार बदल दिया जाता है । Direct Indirect Direct speech Indirect speech speechspeech shall should _ shall have should have will would will have - would have shall be should be shall have been should have been will be would be _ _ _ _ will have been would have been | जैसे He said to me . " Ishall writea letter . " He told me that he would write a letter . He said to me , I shall be writing a letter " He told me that he would be writing a letter . Direct Indirect Direct Indirecti
[11/05, 7:38 AM] Prem Kumar: He said to me , " I shall have written a letter . " Directi He told me that he would have written a letter . Indirect He said to me , " I shall have been writing a letter . Direct | He told me that he would have been writing a letter . Indirect Rule ( 4 ) : यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense में हो तथा Reported speech में subject के बाद can , may , is , are , am , has , have , was , were , Has / Have to + Vl , Had to + V का प्रयोग हो , तो Indirect speech में ये past form में क्रमशः could , might , was , were , was , had , had , had been , had been , Had to + V , Had had to + VI में बदल दिये जाते हैं । जैसे Ashok said to Raman , " You can speak English . " Direct | Ashok told Raman that he could speak English . Indirect He said to vou , “ You may go out . " Direct He told you that you might go out . Indirect Sweta said to Anshu , Tam a good girl . " Direct Sweta told Anshu that she was agood girl . Indirect Meena said to Sulekha , " You are my best classmate " Direct Meena told Sulekha that she was her best classmate . Indirect | I said to her , " He is agood player . " Direct I told her that he was a good player . Indirect She said to me , " I have no time for you . " Direct She told me that she had no time for me . Indirect I said to Mohan . " He has a pen . " Direct I told Mohan that he had a pen . Indirect Rekha said to Madan . " I was going to you . " Direct / Rekha told Madan that she had been going to him . Indirect He said , " You were absent in the class . " Direct He told me that I had been absent in the class . Indirect | She said to me , " You have to do this work . " Direct She told me that I had to do that work . Indirect Yousaid tohim , " Shehasto writealetter toher husband . " Direct Youtold him that she had to writealetter to her husband . Indirect He said , " Thad to do the work . " Direct He said that he had had to do the work . Indirect Rule ( 5 ) : यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense में हो तथा Reported speech में subject के बाद could , should , would , might का प्रयोग हो तो Indirect speech में could , should , would , might को . ज्यों का त्यों लिखा जाता है । जैसे She said to me , " I could solve the problem . " Direct She told me that she could solve the problem . Indirect
flesaldhauroto . uneWUTR . . This Ther Here Nov Thu Hen To - c To - r This He said that he had had to do the work . Indirect Rule ( 5 ) : यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense में हो तथा Reported speech में subject के बाद could , should , would , might का प्रयोग । हो तो Indirect speech में could , should , would , might को , ज्यों का त्यों लिखा जाता है । जैसे She said to me , " I could solve the problem . " Direct She told me that she could solve the problem . Indirect Sulekha said to Binod , " You would help me . " Direct Sulekha told Binod that he would help her . Indirect The teacher said to the students , " You should help the poor . Direct The teacher told the students that they should help the poor . Indirect They said , " it might rain yesterday . " , Direct They said that it might rain the previous day . Indirect Rule ( 6 ) : यदि Reporting Verb तथा Reported speech दोनों ही Past Tense में हो तो ( a ) Indirect speech में Reported speech का Simple Past Tense , Past Perfect Tense में बदल दिया जाता है । जैसे He said , " I went to Patna yesterday . " Direct He said that he had gone to Patna the day before . Indirect This Tom Yes : The The Las
+ VI 187 Narration Direct Direct The teacher said , " He came late " . Indirect Rirect The teacher said that he had come late . Direct ( b ) Indirect speech में Reported speech का PastContinuous etter . Tense , Past Perfect Continuous Tense में बदल दिया जाता है । direct जैसे Direct orted Dilip said , " The girl was dancing " . . Indirect was , Dilip said that the girl had been dancing . direct Tiwari said , " Mr . Mishra was teaching the boys . " Direct Tiwari said that Mr . Mishra had been teaching the boys . was , Indirect He said to me , " You were reading the Ramayana . " Direct Direct He told me that I had been reading the Ramayana . Indirect direct She said , " My lover was helping the poor . Direct Direct She said that her lover had been helping the poor . Indirect direct ( C ) Indirectspeech में Reportedspeech के Past Perfect Tense Direct तथा Past Perfect Continuous Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है । अर्थात . direct ज्यों का त्यों रह जाता है । जैसे Direct Mr . Pandey said to me , Thad finished the work . " Direct direct Mr . Pandey told me that he had finished the work . Indirect Direct Mr . Prasad said to Mr . Thakur , " You had taught the students . " direct Direct Mr . Prasad told Mr . Thakur that he had taught the students . Direct direct He said , " I had been waiting for you for two days . " Directi Direct He told me that he had been waiting for me for twodays . direct Indirect Direct Sudhir said to me , " You had been writing a letter for two direct hours . " Direct Direct Sudhir told me that Ihad been writingaletter for two hours . direct Indirect Direct 3 . Change of Other Parts of Speech direct यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense में हो , तो Reported speech rand . " में प्रयुक्त nearest meaning expressing words ( निकटता के अर्थ सूचक Direct शब्दों ) को distant meaningexpressing words ( दूरी के अर्थ सूचक शब्दों ) । - band . में Indirect speech में बदल दिया जाता है । direct Direct Direct speech Indirect speech adirect This That Ported These Indirect
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